
Things You Are Doing Wrong


Top 20 Things You Are Doing Wrong. Making mistakes and doing things wrong is part of our daily life. We do this unconsciously and don’t think about how to improve or optimize the way we do it. But when you […]

Top 20 Things You Are Doing Wrong. Making mistakes and doing things wrong is part of our daily life. We do this unconsciously and don’t think about how to improve or optimize the way we do it. But when you know the right way, you won’t take the wrong as granted. Here are the top 20 things you are doing wrong.


Video: Things You Are Doing Wrong






Holding a glass wrong

If you’re holding your wine glass by the bowl, you’re making a common mistake: The heat from your hand can alter the flavor of your beverage. People don’t realize how quickly they warm up their wine by holding the bulb of the glass with their palm. Instead, hold the glass by the stem, which may feel precarious, but it’s actually helpful. Holding the glass by the stem also makes it easier to swirl or agitate the wine to get more oxygen into the glass and aerate the wine and also to get aromas up and out of the glass.


Video: Things You Are Doing Wrong






Not switching direction of fan

Though you might only use your ceiling fan during the warmer months, it can also be an essential tool for keeping warm in the winter—if you know how to use it, that is. In the spring and summer, you’ll want to run your fan counterclockwise to push cold air down toward your body, making you feel cooler. In the fall and winter, you should flip the switch on your fan’s base so that it spins clockwise, pushing warm air down, thus keeping the whole room warmer.






Using mouthwash too often

While using mouthwash every now and then can help keep your mouth healthy, using it too frequently could have the opposite effect. Yes, this is one very important thing you’re doing wrong every morning. In addition to washing away beneficial bacteria, a 2017 study published in the journal Nitric Oxide revealed that frequent mouthwash use may actually increase a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes.






Taking too many showers

You might feel great after a long, hot shower, but spending a prolonged period of time under that warm tap may actually have a deleterious effect on your health. Not only can showering too frequently wash off some of the good bacteria on your body that keeps you healthy, but 2014 research published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology suggests that it can also lead to skin problems, such as eczema. Indeed, things you do wrong every day.






Putting eggs in fridge door

The door of your fridge may have an obvious spot for those cartons of milk and eggs, but storing them there can actually do more harm than good. One of many things you are doing wrong. According to a 2013 study published in Hospitality Review, the door of your fridge and its upper shelves are warmer than its lower shelves, meaning that foods prone to spoiling quickly should be placed on the bottom shelf and toward the back, where it’s cooler. Amazing Life Hacks!!






Pouring detergent on clothes

Keeping your clothes clean is a more precise business than you might imagine. First, if you’re pouring detergent directly onto your clothes in a top-loading washer, it’s time to put an end to that behavior stat. A 2015 study published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology found that washing machines often harbor a host of harmful bacteria, from staph to various gram-negative bacteria—a category that includes E. coli. So, make sure to give your machine a thorough wipe down whenever possible, and run a hot-water-and-bleach cycle at least once a month. Wasn’t it the things you were doing that were really wrong?






Brushing your teeth after eating

Many people brush their teeth twice a day—once when they wake up and once before they go to sleep. But if you’re one of those people who brush post-meals as well, you’re not actually doing your oral health a favor. And this is something you keep doing wrong. According to a 2004 study published in the journal Caries Research, brushing directly after eating can erode dentin, the layer below your teeth’s enamel, more quickly than if you stuck to brushing only at the beginning and end of your day.






Waiting for food to cool

One of the more surprising things you’re doing wrong every day in the kitchen? Waiting for hot food to cool before putting it in the refrigerator. While many people believe this is a safer way to store those leftovers, the opposite is actually true. In fact, according to the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, food should never spend more than two hours outside of a refrigerator, because illness-causing bacteria can grow in perishable foods within two hours unless you refrigerate them.






Stretching before exercise

Your high school gym teacher may have told you that stretching before a workout can keep you safe from exercise-related injuries. But, according to science, that’s not necessarily the case. In fact, it is in the list of things we do wrong every day. A 2013 meta-analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that stretching before exercising does not decrease the likelihood of injury. The researchers plainly stated, Our data do not support the use of stretching for injury prevention purposes, neither before nor after exercise.





Composting damaging food scraps

Getting a composting bin is the first step toward making the planet a healthier place, and we applaud you! That said, odds are you might be adding some things to the mix that you probably shouldn’t. Common kitchen scraps, like citrus peels and onions, which can be harmful to the compost’s acidity level, bread, which can attract vermin, and walnuts, which contain juglone, a compound that can either halt the growth of other plants or terminate them entirely, shouldn’t be tossed in at all.

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Cleaning your jeans frequently

Ask any jeans-wearer, and they’ll tell you: There’s no better way to ruin the shape and color of your favorite denim than washing them after every wear. Actually, there’s scientific proof: In a 2016 study published in the International Journal of Consumer Studies, frequently washed jeans lost four percent of their total fibers over the course of the research—twice that of a less frequently washed pair—but didn’t have a significantly lower bacterial load. Eager to make your jeans a little less gross? Try freezing them instead to terminate that lingering bacteria. Seriously!


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Not using enough sunscreen

Think spritzing yourself with a little sunscreen is enough to keep burns at bay? Well, in a 2018 study published in a journal, researchers found that most subjects were applying their sunscreen too thinly to provide adequate protection. So, how much should you be using? The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a shot-glass-sized amount to cover your whole body. And timing matters, too—for maximum effect, it’s important to apply your sun protection at least 15 minutes before stepping outside.






Keeping your head warm

We often hear that most of a person’s body heat is lost through their head. However, if you’re trying to keep your whole body warm solely by loading up on cozy hats, you’re making a mistake. According to a 2008 report published in the British Medical Journal, just seven to ten percent of a person’s body heat is lost through their head. Instead, focus on a full-body warming solution. You can make dye head warp to cover your head.






Drink in a bucket of ice

Not necessarily an “everyday” mistake thing, but a common one nonetheless, is popping a bottle of champagne, wine, or any other kind of beverage straight into a bucket of ice so you can enjoy it chilled. If you really want to cool those drinks quickly, however, you’re better off using a salt-and-ice-water combo instead. It brings the temperature of the water down lower than a normal ice bath, and the contact with water ensures all surface area is getting hit.






Storing wine glasses upside down

While placing wine glasses on the shelf rim-down may keep dust from getting into them, it could also make them more prone to breakage. Since the rim of a wine glass is its thinnest—and therefore, most delicate—part, storing a glass rim-down actually increases its risk of developing pressure cracks over time. Instead, stand them stem-down, and you’ll not only increase their longevity but reduce the risk of getting moisture trapped inside the cup. Definitely one of the many things we do wrong every day.






Washing your hands wrong

You’re probably washing your hands with relative frequency throughout the day—in fact, 73 percent of those individuals wash their hands for under 20 seconds, and a 2013 study conducted at Michigan State University revealed that just five percent of people monitored washed their hands correctly. If you want to rid your hands of potentially harmful germs, wet your hands first, lather with soap, spend at least 20 seconds washing them together, rinse with clean water, and turn off the tap with your elbow to be extra safe.






Plunging a sink wrong

If you’ve ever wondered why plunging your clogged sink never yields any results, it’s likely because you’re using the wrong tool. And this thing you never knew you were doing wrong. For this task, you should be using a cup plunger, a wider plunger with an evenly distributed bottom that can properly affix to the bottom of your sink. But this tool does not give you the same result for toilet. For a toilet, you should use a flange plunger, which is slightly narrower and has a longer plunging mechanism in the center.






Using a bobby pin wrong

If you’ve ever wondered why your bobby pins never stay put, the answer is simple: You’re using them wrong. Instead of putting the wavy side up, make sure it’s facing your head when you secure your hair. Apparently, you’re supposed to push them into your scalp with the wavy side facing down. The ribbing is actually designed to grip your hair and prevent it from sliding out! From now on, use bobby pins only the correct way and prepare to have your life changed—I promise you will notice a difference!






Loading your dishwasher wrong

If you think all parts of your dishwasher are created equal, think again. Maybe things we are doing wrong every day. Specific areas are more adept at cleaning specific grime. For example, a study from the University of Birmingham revealed that dishes soiled with carbohydrate-heavy foods will get cleaner placed closer to the center of the machine, while those with remnants of protein-rich foods are better off on the perimeter of the bottom rack. Yeah, what a lot of things we do wrong every day!


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Recycling the wrong items

While you may take your recycling out on a regular basis, odds are it’s among the everyday things you’re doing wrong. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, people routinely recycle non-recyclable items, including bottle tops, plastic bags, colored paper, aerosol cans, and greasy pizza boxes. We could all do better when it comes to getting recycling right, seeing as a minuscule 8.4 percent of all plastic in the United States gets recycled. This is one of the everyday life hacks you’re doing wrong; it’s time to stop doing this wrong!

Which one thing have you been doing wrong? Do you know any other things like this? Don’t forget to let us know in the comment section.

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