Scariest Animals on Earth that are completely harmless
Top 20 Scariest Animals on Earth that are completely harmless. Innocent mosquitoes and small ants in Africa come under the list of the world’s most dangerous animal species. At the same time, many deadly-looking animals are considered harmless as they […]

Top 20 Scariest Animals on Earth that are completely harmless. Innocent mosquitoes and small ants in Africa come under the list of the world’s most dangerous animal species. At the same time, many deadly-looking animals are considered harmless as they never attack any humans. Here are the top 20 scary animals on earth that are completely harmless.
Video: Scariest Animals on Earth that are completely harmless
Giant African Millipede
Giant African millipedes are one of the largest millipedes in the world. It grows up to a length of 15 inches and 4 inches in thickness and looks like small snakes. In the real world, they are scary animals that are actually harmless herbivores, can’t bite, and can’t sting. Millipedes coil their long bodies into a spiral shape when they face the predators.
African millipedes have 250 legs; the movement of these small legs seems very attractive. They live in moist soil, under rocks of rainforest in various parts of Africa. The dead leaves are the main food of millipedes, called nutrient recyclers because of this habit.
Goliath Bird Eater
It is the second-largest spider species in the world, native to the rainforest of South America. Their hairy body and legs make the deadliest look for them, but not at all harmful to humans. When facing any threat, these spiders rub their abdomen using their legs, making an irritation to the skin.
In fact, the Goliath bird eater has venom but is not lethal for human beings. As they don’t have teeth, this species of spider used to inject its saliva into the body of the prey, which will break down its tissues so that the spider can have it easily.
Video: Scariest Animals on Earth that are completely harmless
Milk Snake
Milk snakes are species of king snakes mainly found within the region of Southeastern Canada. The resemblance of this snake with a venomous coral snake makes the wrong assumption of many people that it’s a harmful snake. It helps milk snakes to keep away many predators, and this species of snake is completely harmless.
It is quite hard to recognize the variation in the color pattern of coral and milk snakes. The red color next to black are milk snakes, and red next to yellow are coral snakes. They feed on insects, earthworms, and slugs.
They’re a beautiful and energetic little hobbyists’ fish species called a swordtail. They’re harmless to humans. They love being fed. The scary part is what they do to one another.
Swordtails are live-bearing fish, which means they have to mate to reproduce. As is common with this kind of species, there is considerable dimorphism; the male has a gonopodium—a fish penis—and, boy, does he ever use it! In fact, he uses it so much that he’ll mercilessly rape any slower swordtail. Healthy male swordtails are very fast—especially swimming backward with their gonopodia extended. They’re faster than female swordtails, and they’re much faster than sick male swordtails, which are also their favorite rape victims. Yep, swordtail males don’t care what they rape—if it’s vaguely swordtail-shaped, they’ll deplete the last of its strength with their relentless sexual stabbing.
Manta Ray
It is the largest of all species of rays in the ocean, found within sub-tropical and tropical waters. They grow up to a size of 25 feet and have large forward-facing mouths and fins. This animal is completely harmless, even though they are large in size, known as a devilfish.
Actually, divers swim along with them in tropical waters. They travel over deep seas alone or in groups and sometimes associate with other species of fish. Small fish are the main food of manta rays.
The frightening appearance, eating dead bodies, and terrifying wingspan make the vulture too scary a bird. But in the real world, it is a harmless one; it won’t attack a living body like having dead bodies. Vultures have sharp beaks and claws, but they used these tools only to cut down the dead animal bodies.
They are the highest flyers in species of birds; sometimes they fly at 37000 feet. Remember, the height of Everest is 29029 feet. They also travel long distances in search of food. Vultures also have a strong stomach and can diet 90% of bones within the food.
Aye-aye is the world’s largest nocturnal primate found within Madagascar. They have a long bushy tail, round and big eyes, a dark color, and slender fingers overall. They have a devil-like appearance. But aye-aye is gentle and harmless in nature.
The long middle finger is the main tool of aye-aye to make easy movement across tree branches and also to pick larvae and insects beneath the bark of trees. But the natives of Madagascar believe that if they point their finger at you, it is a death sentence. Because of this reason, they kill this gentle animal on sight.
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Vampire Bat
The only flying mammals in the world that feed on blood, rest in dark caves, have sharp teeth, and have a scary-looking face. Human attack by vampire battle is very rare; they suck blood from cattle bodies. At the same time, they never had enough blood to cause death for their host.
Vampire bats live in colonies that have members up to 1000. They usually roam in the midnights and use their razor-sharp teeth, such as blood from the bodies of cows, goats, and other birds. The saliva of these bats also prevents blood from clotting.
Gharials are a member of the Gavialidae crocodile family and look exactly like crocodiles. But they have long, narrow snouts, native to the Indian subcontinent. Unlike other members of the crocodile family, they never attack humans or other large animals. In fact, their jaws can’t hold any large animals.
The elongated, narrow snout of gharial holds 110 sharp teeth. But they never attacked other animals; they used this tool to catch fish, frogs, and insects.
Basking Shark
Basking sharks are the second-largest fish in the world. They grow up to a length of 33 feet; this large size and wide-open mouth make it a dangerous-looking animal. Actually, they are filter feeders and not at all aggressive; fish are becoming the main food; they never attack humans. Their snout has a conical shape, and slits help to open the mouth so widely.
Their snout has a conical shape, and slits help to open the mouth so widely. Basking sharks open their mouths while they travel in the sea, and their bodies filter out all the water. In that way, basking sharks get enough food. They spend most of their time feeding at the surface of the ocean; during the winter season, they go to Deep Ocean.
Camel Spider
Due to their large size, nearly 6 inches on average, the camel spider can be an extremely terrifying sight for anyone that is not knowledgeable about them, but they are entirely non-threatening to humans. The camel spider is not poisonous and is not actually a spider at all, despite being members of the arachnid family, according to the National Science Foundation.
Camel spiders have eight legs and two extra appendages called pedipalps, which are sensory organs. Camel spiders are usually found in Middle Eastern deserts but have also been known to live in the Southwest United States and Mexico. They only have a size of a few inches and are not deadliest to humans at all!
Sea Pig
The Sea Pig, or more officially known as a Scotoplanes, is an extremely strange-looking underwater animal that appears to be more alien than fish. These funny little creatures are the only instance of holothurians that use a form of legged locomotion to travel. They are called ‘Sea Pigs’ due to their thick legs and plump bodies resembling those of a farm pig.
Sea pigs commonly live on the floors of deep oceans, typically at lengths over 4,000 to 15,000 feet. Scotoplanes are known as deposit feeders and eat through extracting organic particles found on the ocean floor. Many people find sea pigs terrifying due to their unnatural-looking appearance, despite their inability to harm anyone.
The Pitbull
Like most of the animals on this list, the Pitbull has been given a bad name. Like all dogs, they learn their behavior from their masters; if a dog has a bad master, they will act badly. But on the other hand, if a Pitbull is raised with love and affection, then it will most likely be one of the sweetest animals that you have ever met. Indeed, they are loving and loyal despite all the rumors.
European Yellow-tailed Scorpion
At less than 2 inches, this species is one of the least dangerous for humans. If you get stung, you’ll feel a pain similar to a bee’s sting. But it looks intimidating!
In warm temperate climates, this species can be found in built-up areas. In the UK, the scorpion occupies cracks and holes in walls where the mortar pointing has crumbled away.
Chinese Giant Salamander
Growing up to 5.9 ft., this salamander is the biggest amphibian in the world. However, it only eats insects, crabs, and small fish.
2 million salamanders are currently on the brink of extinction. These species are farmed for their meat; there are more than 2 million salamanders on farms across China. Lives in cool mountain streams in steep valleys with forest. The Japanese salamander feeds at night on fish and crustaceans and has been known to live for more than 50 years in captivity.
Marine Hatchetfish
Even though it looks like something out of a horror movie, this small cretaceous creature can’t hurt anyone. The body is deep and laterally extremely compressed, somewhat resembling a hatchet. Their scales are silvery, delicate, and easily abraded. In some species, large sections of the body are at the base of the anal fin, which are transparent.
Humpback Anglerfish
Despite its name and horror movie appearance, this fish lives around 6500 ft. deep in the ocean and doesn’t like human flesh. It only eats other fish.
The species had been known to be widely distributed in the temperate and tropical ranges of all oceans, as well as in the South China Sea and the East China Sea.
Atlantic Wolfish
Another deep-water fish that looks scary but is harmless to humans. This one measures around 6.5 ft., and it eats small crustaceans and invertebrates. It has very large teeth that stick out of its mouth, even when closed, giving it a ferocious appearance. Despite this look, Atlantic wolfish are not aggressive towards people and are not known to bite people unless they are provoked.
Giant Isopod
This animal won its name due to the deep sea gigantism phenomenon, which makes creatures look bigger the deeper in the ocean they live. Despite looking like an alien, it’s actually harmless. Although they have dozens of sharp claws on their underside, Chambers said they can be quite vicious and are capable of giving a nasty nip if you pick them up.
Hercules Beetle
Because of their large size, length of almost 7 inches, ability to lift 80 times their body weight, and impressive horns, many people believe that Hercules beetles are dangerous animals. In fact, their horns are not dangerous at all, and the beetles are not known to bite. However, if you pick one up, it may scratch you with its strong, spiny legs. Also one of the largest beetles in the world. Hercules beetles can be found in Central and South America. There are 13 known species of Hercules beetles. They live in tropical rainforests, hidden in rotten tree trunks.
Which one did you find the most innocent? Share your thoughts in the comment section.
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Top 20 Scariest Animals on Earth that are completely harmless
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