Top 20 People with Extra Body Parts
Top 20 People with Extra Body Parts. Sometimes it’s a genetic disease, and it can’t be recognized at a first glance, but sometimes it’s more than that, and it actually results in people growing extra body parts that they have […]
Top 20 People with Extra Body Parts. Sometimes it’s a genetic disease, and it can’t be recognized at a first glance, but sometimes it’s more than that, and it actually results in people growing extra body parts that they have to live with. It can get so ugly; people have to live with their extra parts all the way into adulthood. Here is the list of the Top 20 unusual people with extra body parts.
Video: Top 20 People with Extra Body Parts
Deepak Paswan
The boy with an extra body part on his chest, of India, was also born with a parasitic twin growing out of his chest. Parasitic twins are caused when an egg divides into two but doesn’t fully separate. He has since had the extra appendages removed and is now living a much quieter life with his family. Deepak’s condition was a surprise to his parents, who live in the small village of Belahari in Bihar. Healthcare in the region is poor, and pregnant mothers do not have the luxury of ultrasounds and pre-natal checks. When Fortis Hospital in Bangalore offered to operate on Deepak, the parasite was separated from Deepak’s body.
Video: Top 20 People with Extra Body Parts
Ganga and Jamuna
The woman who shares three legs and four arms. Sisters Ganga and Jamuna share three legs and four arms. They share just about everything, including the love of their lives. They are the ultimate girl with extra body parts. While conjoined twins are typically classified by the point of fusion, for our purposes, they may be divided into two broad categories: those who share a single set of genitalia and heterogenitally conjoined twins, with two distinct sets of genitalia. This conjoined twin found love with the same man and got married to him. He is the hero of their lives.
Pregnant baby
This is a true-life scary story that happened in Botswana, Africa. This baby was born not necessarily with extra body parts but was born pregnant with her own set of siblings. The condition is known as fetus-in-fetu and occurs in about one in every 500,000 births. The baby girl was obviously too young to have conceived the fetuses herself. Even after her birth, the doctors still couldn’t identify what the mass contained as it was affecting her right kidney and liver, so she was booked to be operated on when she was a month old. The operation was successful, and she is now very fit and healthy.
Josephene Myrtle Corbin
Born in 1868, She was a dipygus, meaning that she had two separate pelvises and four legs. She could move all of the legs, but they were too weak to walk on. She was a great success in sideshows with the stage name “The Four-Legged Girl from Texas.” She married a doctor with whom she had five children. Legend has it that three of her children were born from one pelvis, and two from the other.
Man with 3 ears
Stelios Arcadiou, the award-winning Australian performance artist who has grown a third ear on his arm for art’s sake. He had two good ears to hear with, and the third ear was not for him. This is an ear for people in other places. And as he pursues surgeries to install a Wi-Fi-connected microphone that will allow people anywhere in the world to listen to what he hears. To attach the ear, three plastic surgeons performed two surgeries in Los Angeles. His arm was chosen as the preferred location for the ear. The idea for the ear on his arm was the next step after he had undertaken other works such as an attached mechanical hand and a 3-D-printed arm with pneumatic rubber muscles.
Hong Hong
Are you blessed with the most amazing top 10 fingers? This boy was born in China with 15 fingers and 16 toes in January 2016. Polydactyly is a pretty common condition, affecting about one in every 1,000 live births, according to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Often, the extra digits are removed surgically. Hong Hong also has two palms on each hand and no thumbs.
Francesco Lentini
Being born a three-legged baby is not easy. Ask Francesco Lentini. Born a single child in 1884, Lentini had a twin. The twin embryos did not fully separate in the womb, causing Lentini to be born with some body parts of his sibling. He had a full pelvis bone, male genitalia, and a fully formed leg. In a way, Lentini could have been a four-legged man because there was a foot attached to the knee of his third leg.
The Unicorn Woman
Known as “Unicorn Woman,” she began developing the mysterious forehead horn in 2009. Makes her in the list of people with extra parts. Her son Wan Xi began complaining of a mole-like growth on the top of her head. Since it was itchy, they used traditional Chinese medicines to treat the itching; soon a tiny horn erupted from the mole. In 2015 she accidentally broke. Now it is an even bigger horn, which is almost five inches long. Doctors believe that it could be a keratinous skin tumor that resembles a horn. They believe that surgery is her only option.
The Three-Armed Baby
Jie-jie was born with two left arms, and doctors took off the one that had lain across his chest. The third arm was incredibly well developed. It was hard to tell which arm was the main. Unfortunately, it affected his health. It was hard to move the arms because the nerves and blood vessels for the arm were formed just as they would be for a normal arm. The doctor said Jie-jie would require long-term physical therapy to gain function in his remaining left hand. The doctors decided to remove the one closest to the chest. The remaining are having no palm.
Didier Montalvo
Skin moles are very common, but the mole that developed on the back of Didier Montalvo was so huge that it looked like a turtle shell. Born in 2006 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, this boy had to go through a lot as most people residing in the city refused to interact with him or his family as they thought he was cursed by some evil spirit. Fortunately, however, the boy was taken to the United Kingdom a few years ago for a surgery that could offer him a happier life.
Kang Kang
Our most amazing top 10 body parts starts with a boy in China who was born with a rare birth defect that has left his mother, and those surrounding him, in tears. Eight years ago, Zhao Huikang, also known as “Kang Kang,” was born with transverse facial cleft, a deformity that gives him the appearance of having two faces, or a mask over his face. Doctors at the No. 163 Military Hospital in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, in China, have worked tirelessly to repair the boy’s facial bones. He became headlines in the Reddit stories.
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He is the man with an extra nose on his forehead. Identified only as “Xiaolian,” this Chinese man’s nose was irreparably damaged from infection, so doctors decided to “grow” a second nose on the man’s forehead to replace the original nose. Growing noses on foreheads or ears on arms before transplanting them to the conventional locations is based on surgical reconstruction techniques going back hundreds of years. But modern-day applications are truly revolutionary, as Byrne explained in an interview with National Geographic News.
Double-headed baby
When a Brazilian woman went into labor expecting twins, she had no idea that her baby boys would end up sharing the same body. But Maria de Nazare wasn’t even a little upset when doctors informed her of her babies’ condition. The children, named Emanoel and Jesus, have individual brains and spines but share a heart, a liver, a pelvis, and lungs. Despite their condition, both boys were happy, healthy, and able to eat on their own. Doctors decided not to remove either head since both of them were functioning normally and didn’t pose an immediate threat to the other one.
Cassandra Bankson
YouTube stars are known for putting their whole lives out there, but few are as open as Cassandra Bankson about something this personal. The vlogger is best known for her beauty videos, but she surprised her fans in 2014 when she opened up about having two female organs and two wombs. The condition is very rare in women, and there are fewer than 100 known cases around the world. At age eight, Bankson developed a rather innocuous strain of acne. She was bullied relentlessly for her severe acne and eventually pulled out of school.
Double Male Organ
The mystery of the human body is amazing. Several people are born with rare conditions, where some are tragic and many can leave people stunned. While many people are concerned about the size, here is a man living in the UK who claimed to have two male organs. Tommy further included he was born with this miracle. There is nothing made artificially, and he is the only person in his family having things like this. However, he is leading a healthier life, and both of his organs work perfectly and individually. People with extra body parts are sometimes blessed! What do you really think about him?
Jasmine Tridevil
Our Top 5 list starts with a woman named who claims she underwent a $20,000 procedure to add a third breast. The 21-year-old hopes this will help fulfill her dream of becoming a reality star. Jasmine Tridevil told reporters that she called 50 to 60 doctors before finding one willing to do the procedure and that her plastic surgeon made her sign a non-disclosure agreement. She is the only woman with a third breast in the world. She has a huge following on social media. Undoubtedly strange body parts artificially added!
Six-finger family
A family of football and music lovers is able to take their hobbies to the next level thanks to a unique genetic anomaly that has left them all with six fingers on each hand. It makes it easier to strum guitars and play the piano, and coming from Brazil—a country where football is the most popular sport—makes the position of goalkeeper seem a cinch. Members of the Da Silva family were born with more fingers than the rest of us, and instead of five digits on each hand, they have six. Thus, they are a must in the list of people born with extra body parts.
Craniofacial parasiticus is a medical condition in which a baby is born with a parasitic twin head. The extra head doesn’t have a functioning brain, which is what differentiates this condition from that of conjoined twins. In effect, the baby is born with the head of its twin attached to its body. In 2005, Oprah sat down with Naglaa Mohamed, whose daughter, Manar, was born with craniopagus parasiticus, or two heads. Doctors were then forced to perform a radical surgery that no child had ever survived. Manar became the first baby in the world to ever survive this surgery, but sadly this little human with an extra body part passed away a year later from a brain infection.
Tres Johnson
A ‘MIRACLE’ boy born with an extremely rare condition that gave him ‘two faces.’ Tres Johnson has craniofacial duplication, and doctors told his parents, Brandy and Joshua, that their son was unlikely to survive at almost every stage of his life. The youngster, from Missouri, USA, was born with a large cleft, two separate nostrils, an abnormally shaped head, and cognitive delays, and suffers seizures. There are only 36 people in the world with the condition caused by what’s known as the Sonic the Hedgehog gene, which alters the formation of the skull. Tres has amazed doctors, who didn’t expect him to live and reached his 13th birthday.
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Boy with a tail
When Arshad Ali Khan was born in 2001 in northern India, hundreds of people came to visit him, as he was born with a tail measuring 10 cm long. He has spent his 14-year life being prayed to in his own temple, with visitors often leaving cash or gifts in return for a blessing. They believed the youngster and called him Balaji. Many doctors went on to encourage the family to have the tail removed, but community pressure meant it went untreated. After his father’s passing in 2004, he was operated on, and it took seven hours to remove his so-called tail. Now he is in normal life and wants to be a music teacher.
Which are the most insane extra body parts? Have you ever seen anyone like this? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment section below.