
People who gained superpowers after an accident


Top 20 people who gained superpowers after an accident. Sometimes adversity builds character, but in a rare incident it can also create abilities one never knew they possessed. This is the case with our video today, men so rare and […]

Top 20 people who gained superpowers after an accident. Sometimes adversity builds character, but in a rare incident it can also create abilities one never knew they possessed. This is the case with our video today, men so rare and so remarkable, from gaining mental abilities, seeing without eyes, to acquiring practical skills. It’s evident that the laws of nature can actually be defied. Let’s look at the top 20 people who gained superpowers after an accident.


Video: People who gained superpowers after an accident





Anthony Cicoria

Have you ever imagined being struck by lightning? Well, this scary story of a man who acquired a musical gift in a mystical way will melt your heart. Anthony was struck by lightning while making a phone call; the poor man lost consciousness and fell on his back. After the doctors saved his life, Tonny, an orthopedic surgeon, suddenly developed an interest in piano music after he dreamt that he played a piano on stage. He now plays the melody of his dreams, the lightning sonata, and other classical compositions.

Video: People who gained superpowers after an accident






Jason Padget

It is unbelievable that you can be born an average person and after an accident you become a genius! After being attacked and robbed, Jason got severe concussions, and when he was discharged, this guy discovered he had an unknown talent of drawing intricate figures and is now a math genius. Neuroscientists explained that Jason’s brain suffered a special reaction, and the organs developed an overcompensation in areas responsible for mathematical skills and mental images, a rare phenomenon known as savant syndrome.






Ben MacMahon

Would you condone the idea of going through an accident to learn a new language? Well, this superhero had learned a little Chinese in school but never mastered it! But when he got in an accident that landed him in a coma for one week, Ben finally woke up weirdly fluent. Eventually Ben began to remember English and was again worried about losing his knowledge of Chinese. Surprisingly, Ben started speaking both languages fluently, and he today runs a show in Chinese and also works for a Chinese trust.






Alonzo Clemons

Everybody knows a brain injury is fatal, but you’ll be amazed at this man’s story! As a young boy in school, Alonzo suffered a head injury that made him forget how to read and write. Fortunately, his life had not been ruined because he discovered a skill that didn’t require mathematics or spelling; he was a talented sculptor. Having devoted himself to professional sculpturing, his skill has reached unprecedented levels, and today he can mold any animal in a couple of hours after seeing just a glimpse of it.







Derek Amato

Derek Amato is among the most amazing top ten guys who got superpowers after an accident. He is a sudden musical genius who got a career in the world of professional jazz as a result of a terrible accident. Resting by the pool with his friends and with no sign of trouble, Derek suddenly fell in the water, hit his head against the bottom, and sustained injuries that took 2 weeks for him to recover from. After discharge he felt a desire to play a guitar, and his music career began. Today Derek is a world-famous jazz musician and composer.

Orlando Serrel

This guy dubbed the ‘acquired servant’ must be the luckiest on earth. At the age of ten, Orlando was hit by a baseball on the left side of his head, fell down, and continued playing. Like any other teenage boy, he didn’t tell his parents, so no medical care was given. He suffered severe headaches, and when they disappeared, he got an incredible ability of doing complex calculations. He also has a phenomenal memory and can remember the weather, where he was, and what he did on any given day.






Leigh Erceg

Yes, what if a nearly deadly accident turned your otherwise ordinary mind into an extraordinary mind? This is the scary story of Leigh, who was caught on camera narrating how all her senses were scrambled in a newly superhuman brain. After suffering a brain and spinal cord injury, doctors thought Leigh wouldn’t walk again. But now she’s a talented artist and mathematician and can see sounds when listening to music and even hear colors. And besides memory loss, she also lost her emotions.


Jim Carolla

When Jim Carollo survived a car accident that left his mother dead, he was only 14 years old. He landed in a coma for six weeks, and doctors wondered if he was going to come out. He suddenly woke up, and when he was put on physical therapy, he came out mentally different in how he handled math. Unlike before the accident, Jim would take advanced math tests without studying and get perfect scores. He would memorize the first 120 digits of the pi number sequence in a couple of days. So odd for his age but a true superpower!






Slavisa Pajkic

Nicknamed Biba truja or Mr. Current, Slavisa is capable of accumulating electricity and can consciously control its power while discharging it. Thanks to the powers he discovered by accident as a teenager, the 51-year-old has spent his entire life experimenting and proving to others that electricity can’t harm him. He can stand voltages as high as twenty thousand, while an average man would be hurt by just 30 volts. Have you seen his scary videos? Mmh, that’s a real superhuman defying the laws of nature!






Ken Walters

Ken Walters, a professional engineer, was left wheelchair bound after a horrible accident. He again suffered from a stroke, and a cerebral hemorrhage unlocked something in his brain that gave him an artistic ability that he never had before. Ken was suddenly able to turn his artwork into amazing digital images, and at 51 he started a software company that works with EA games. This most amazing top 10 superhuman is truly an accidental genius.






Nikolai Kryaglyachenko

Among the youngest people who got superpowers after a terrible accident is Nikolai. At 12 years old, while walking home from school, he was electrocuted by a faulty wire but made it home safely. The next day, while taking breakfast, he dropped his spoon, and it stuck on his arm. He then started sticking other objects to his body. Nikolai, whose super abilities are caught on camera, is now dubbed the magnetic boy. Isn’t it amazing to survive an accident with an achievement!






Tommy McHugh

He is another incredible genius who rose from a terrible accident. Born in 1949 and working as a builder, he spent most of his life involved in crime and violence. One day while in the toilet, Tommy strained so hard that he suffered a brain aneurysm and got into a coma for a week. When he was re-learning after recovery, Tommy started creating poultry sculptures and other plastic works and later became a brilliant artist. Even though he passed on, Tommy still lives on through his artwork.


Franco Magnani

When Franco, an Italian immigrant, arrived in Francisco, USA, he developed a bizarre illness characterized by a bad fever that gave him seizures. After healing from the illness, he started having vivid dreams and memories of his childhood home, a place he hadn’t been to for over 30 years. He started to draw and paint all that he remembered, something he hadn’t done before, for he was primarily a cook and woodworker. Magnani was later known as the memory artist. Maybe we should call him a mind warehouse, ha!


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Jon sarkin

While Jon was living a normal life and raising his son peacefully, he unfortunately suffered tinnitus, a condition that is re-engineered by trauma. He sought medical treatment and unfortunately underwent an unsuccessful surgery that caused a brain hemorrhage, and doctors had to remove a small brain issue. John then woke up with a special gift, and success was around the corner. His brilliant paintings are popular around the globe and have sold for thousands of dollars. He is a real accidental artist!







Wim Hof

This guy, Wim Hof, discovered his superpowers by accident. At 17 years, while walking along a frozen canal, he felt an unexplainable urge to jump in, which he did. He then discovered he has a super ability to withstand the cold. He even climbed Mount Everest and made it through the death zone unharmed. Facts concerning his rare ability state that his brain releases substances that inhibit signals that resist cold and pain. Scary, yeah!






Thai Ngoc

Thai Ngoc will surprise you with his bizarre ability of rendering him unable to sleep. He apparently suffered a fever in 1973, and when it cleared up, he had developed a bad case of insomnia. This sleepless man claims he hasn’t slept since then. Thai Ngoc also claims that his lack of sleep hasn’t in any way affected his mental and physical health, which has been confirmed by questionable doctors. He is one of a kind.





 Man with iron hands

This man, Khan, from Thailand, is able to fry chicken with his bare hands. He feels no pain and shows no sign of burns after dipping his hands in extremely hot oil. Khan claimed that he discovered his ability after accidentally being splashed on by oil from head to toe without getting injured. Khan is indeed one of the people with real superpowers caught on camera. Even though Khan could have used his unusual talent to get rich, he never decided to pursue this talent. He just enjoys his simple, uncomplicated lifestyle selling his fried chicken to locals and tourists alike.






The brain wave

Born in 1979 Daniel Tammet suffered epilepsy as a child, but medical treatment proved helpful, and at age 25 he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. Despite all that, Daniel has a tremendous memory! He is described as a superhuman. Daniel has the ability to do massive calculations in his head. He can recite the number pi to 22,514 digits for 5 hours and nine minutes. He has a remarkable ability to learn languages, being able to learn new ones within a week. That’s incredibly superhuman! Or what do you think?






Dean Karnazes

Look at this superhuman, a guy with super strength who became a subject of medical study. While most runners stop when they reach their lactate threshold. It’s amazing that Dean can actually run 350 miles without stopping. Amazing! This ultramarathon runner ran 50 marathons in 50 days, thanks to his genetic condition that washes away lactic acid from his system, allowing him to endure and run for long without even stopping or breaking a sweat.


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Ben Underwood

When Ben Underwood suffered retinoblastoma at the age of 3, he lost both eyes. It’s amazing, though, that this young man can see without his eyes. But how on earth can Ben see without his eyes? He taught himself to see with sound rather than echolocation by clicking, then the sound bounces back, his ears pick up the echoes, and he precisely locates things. He can ride a bicycle, swim, and even play basketball. He has even taught other blind people to see by echolocation. Superpower, yeah?


Who is the luckiest person in this list? Do you have any superpower like this? Please let us know in the comments box below.

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