Most inspiring animal rescues of all time
Title: Top 20 most inspiring animal rescues of all time. Animals can be defensive, fierce, and wild, but sometimes they find themselves stuck in situations or places that put their lives at risk if they do not stand still. It’s […]

Title: Top 20 most inspiring animal rescues of all time. Animals can be defensive, fierce, and wild, but sometimes they find themselves stuck in situations or places that put their lives at risk if they do not stand still. It’s only through human help that these animals are able to overcome these challenges and carry on with their lives. No act of kindness is too small for an animal. Today let’s explore some of the top 20 most inspiring animal rescues of all time.
Video: Most inspiring animal rescues of all time
Puppies stuck in tar
When three puppies unknowingly stuck in tar, they almost lost their lives. There was no way for them to come out without people’s help. When rescuers came, they found the puppies in a terrible condition; they put them under shelter, washed them, and removed the tar with oil. It took them a long time to clean off the tar, and at some point, they took a rest to give the puppies food. After 3 days, all the operations were finished. Luckily the mama to the puppies was found, and the family was happily reunited. What a fantastic dog rescue!
Video: Most inspiring animal rescues of all time
Little bird rescue
This is a heartwarming animal rescue. When this man saw a neighbor’s cat taking a little bird in his mouth, he made his mind to help the little creature. He created a warm incubator for it and decided to feed it hourly to survive the misfortune, but it didn’t open its beak. He went to the nest where the chick fell, recorded the sound of the chick’s mom, and played; then the chick started eating more and more food. It looked healthy and happy to be saved from the cat’s teeth.
Tiny orphaned elephant calves
When the Kenya wildlife got information that a helicopter spotted a tiny elephant calf standing beside its diseased mother, the rescue team quickly flew to the place. Their helicopter couldn’t get closer because of the dense bush; the wildlifemen had to carry the weak calf on foot to where the helicopter was waiting. At the wildlife service center, the scared baby was given some time to rest and examine his future home before being put together with other orphans. They were happy to offer this boy his future family and called him ‘Roho’ meaning spirit in Swahili.
Hidden turtle
While a couple was on their unusual sea trip around the world, they visited Bequia, one of the grenadine islands. While there, they found a motionless turtle under a corrugated iron sheet. At first, they thought they couldn’t help the poor creature, but later they discovered it was alive and hidden on purpose. Not knowing how much time it had spent there, the people wrapped a piece of cloth around it and put some water on it to prevent it from drying. Despite its significant size and heavyweight, they carried it close to the water and let it go.
A kitten on the freeway
This animal rescue video will completely melt your heart. A kitten traveling in the middle of a freeway in Los Angeles was in great danger; it was tough for the cat to get out of there, and the drivers couldn’t easily spot and save him. Luckily, one female driver spotted the kitten and notified the animal rescue team. With the driver’s instructions, rescuers came on the ground, found the poor kitten, and even noticed an eye infection and malnourishment. They named him little Napoli, fed him, and cleansed him.
The paralyzed dog
A rescue team in India got a call about a dog that couldn’t walk after being hit by a car. When the team examined the dog, they noticed the nerve got severe damage due to the impact on the spine. While nerve damages are known to be irreparable, the team decided to try and see what they could do. To their surprise, the dog was able to walk on its four legs again after a mix of physical therapy activities. It was an unbelievable animal rescue and a great inspiration to locals to help stray dogs and other accident victims.
Abandoned 40 cats
Some hoarders have an exciting and entertaining life, but some have gone to the extreme and risked the lives of those around them. Isn’t it evident that pets depend on their hosts? But in this case, 40 cats were abandoned in a hoarder’s house unattended for more than six months, and no one knew it. Some kind people later noticed them and decided to come to their rescue; they got them foster homes, and the cats learned what good life looks like. This is one of the most inspiring animal rescues caught on camera.
The pipe and the dog
This awesome animal rescue story is absolutely inspiring. Sometimes dogs get stuck in uncomfortable situations; that’s not always their fault; however, we should be able to help if we find them in need. Like Kayan, who showed up with her head stuck in a pvc pipe, the RESQ vet managed to get her out of it by cutting it. They then discovered severe maggot infestation inside. Kayan was then taken to the RESQ Center for treatment and recovery.
The ducklings in the storm drain
A mama duck got stressed up for her ducklings who went down the storm drain in Arizona; mama duck kept pacing back and forth when people noticed her little ducklings were missing, and she couldn’t do anything to help them out. A group of rescuers came and started pulling the ducklings out; like any curious mama, she jumped in to see if she could be of help.
With so many ducklings, Mama Duck almost forgot one of them behind; luckily, the rescue team grabbed the little guy and took him back to his family.
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The big-horned sheep
The big-horned sheep are threatening animals that might scare you at first sight, and few cases have been reported of large sheep attacking a human. This sheep can be so defensive, especially during the mating season, but what would you do if you found one in need? Honestly, wild animal rescues are dangerous, but when one man found a wild sheep with a horn stuck on a tree, he risked his life and decided to rescue the sheep by pulling its horns out of the tree. The large sheep ran away into the forest, and the man celebrated his victory.
The jaguar in the Amazon jungle
Jaguars are known to abandon their young ones when they believe they aren’t fit for survival. After her mom left her when she was just a cab, this little jaguar was rescued by the Brazilian army; they took care of her, and after she recovered, they sent her back in the wilderness. Later during the heavy rains, they found Jiquitaia about to drown and rescued her again. They then build a shelter and let her enjoy the jungle under protection from her friends in the army.
Baby elephant in the hole
A simple act of getting water ended up in an accident that scared mother and baby elephant. The baby tumbled in a hole he couldn’t come out of on his own. The mother and other animals were clueless about what to do. Due to the overprotective nature of elephants, the nearby rescuers flew the helicopter on top of the elephant to trick them away and quickly ran to pull out the baby and left. The mama then came back and comforted the baby for such a scary event.
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The great penguin rescue
When an oil carrier spilled its contents in the ocean, about twenty thousand African penguins were covered in the oil. Dyan deNapoli, also known as the penguin lady, called out for volunteers to come and help out in saving the lives of these penguins. Surprisingly, over twelve thousand volunteers turned out. With their great desire to help, these animal heroes cleaned out the oil from penguins for three months, sending them back to their real habitat.
Wild duck with plastic ring
Guys from Watch Share saw a wild duck with a plastic ring on its neck not far from their watch, but there was a big group of ducks, so they couldn’t come closer to catch it because it could fly away. They decided to use a cage trap to catch the duck. The trap was set, and next time the duck came straight to the cage, it was her lucky day; the terrible plastic necklace was removed, and it was seen happily taking a bath and eating comfortably. Don’t you think this’s an inspiring animal story?
Giant manta ray with fishing line
During one of the dives in waters near the Philippines, a giant manta ray came closer to the divers with a fishing line clinging right into its wing. It was seemingly asking for help. However, releasing this simple fish wasn’t a simple task; it didn’t like the diver cutting the line on the first attempt, but later it got calm, realizing people wanted to save it. The diver then managed to cut it off. We don’t know for how long it had bared the discomfort of the object, but we hope it felt great relief.
The hummingbird and the chewing gum
What do you do after you’re done with your chewing gum? I hope you don’t just throw it on the ground, because if you do that, careless action could put innocent creatures in life-threatening situations. A hummingbird got stuck in a chewing gum thrown on the surface; luckily, it was near a family that took immediate action after seeing the bird struggling. They pulled the hummingbird from the ground and removed more gum from its wings. The bird was free and able to fly again.
The Octopus on the shore
Sometimes marine animals can be driven on the shore during low tides, and very often, they have no chance to survive. When this man was walking along the beach shores, he found a small octopus on the sand. The poor creature was gasping for air and had turned pale. With a plastic can, the man took the helpless creature in water and let it go. The octopus came back from the waters and touched the man’s feet. The animal seemed to say thank you to its rescuer.
Baby deer in the lake
This is perhaps the most exciting animal-saving video you’ll ever see. The dog chased a little dear into the lake. The small creature was scared and started swimming across the lake, but it wasn’t strong enough; it stopped in the middle and started to drown. The fishermen rushed and pulled the animal out of the water. Because it was weak and could become prey to a predator, the fishermen decided to keep it warm and let it stay in their garage for some time. When it got stronger, they released it back in the wild.
Abandoned dog with frozen paws
It was both a horrific and a happy day for a poor puppy named Nakio when he was unexpectedly found in an abandoned house with frozen paws. Animal specialists tried and failed to restore his limbs. A vet specialist decided to raise money and make nakio prosthetic legs; she was assisted by the owner of the orthopedic clinic. This is perhaps the most unbelievable animal-saving story, but one that made Nakio the first dog in the world with bionic paws and can do all that other healthy dogs do.
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Dog stuck in narrow bars
This unlucky dog got stuck between the narrow bars of an iron gate; it stayed there for several hours before someone heard his cries and called the rescue team. The dog was hopeless, and his waste was all over the place. Rescuers rushed to the site and tried to gently push it off the bars with no success. When they finally did it, they noticed the dog had no strength left, for it had struggled for a long time. They took it to a warm shelter and gave it all the medical care he needed.
Which is the most inspiring animal rescue story? Have you ever helped any animal in need? Let us know in the comment section.